Ask and ye shall receive.
Several people asked about a pattern for this dress.
Front of the dress. |

I wrote it out after I finished the dress today. It is written for a newborn with a 12" chest. (According to my nephew, the doctors say his 34 week old daughter is about 5 pounds. So I scoured the web and found info that a baby that size would have an 11 1/2" chest. Since the yarn I used is so soft and stretchy, this should last here a week or two . . I hope!)
I used the directions for my Join As You Go AMERICANA AFGHAN for the granny squares. It is so funny, they are sure easier to make than they are to write out.
Back of the dress. Buttons are located inside the dress and the buttons go through the treble crocheted straps. |
In time, I plan to have a bonnet and shoes to accompany this dress.
If you would like to buy this pattern, it is available for $2.99 in my Ravelry store.
Remember, 100% of the purchase price for the pattern goes to
Natalie's 2nd Chance Shelter,
a no-kill dog shelter in my home state of Indiana.
It is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.
Natalie's 2nd Chance Shelter,
a no-kill dog shelter in my home state of Indiana.
It is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.
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